Friday 18 January 2013

And so we begin...

First post!

My name is Alex (more commonly known as Allie around our household) and this is the beginning of a new adventure for my partner Alex (I know!) and I. We have lived in our little house in Birkenhead since March last year. We are blessed to have a beautiful big garden that is full of fruit trees, which I constantly use in my baking and cooking. I have always said "Let's start a vegetable garden in that little patch behind the house", and today the journey began!

How did it start? Months ago I looked into a vege garden and somehow the idea got lost. My partner's six year old son was also very interested, so for Christmas I got him some seeds, gardening tools and trays. He was very excited about this, and we are going to be planting those on Monday when he comes to stay.

Alex and I realised that his seeds won't have germinated before he goes back to school, so we went off to Bunnings today to buy some potting mix and some already germinated seedlings. We got quite a range: sweetcorn, tomatoes, lettuce, capsicum and beans. We had to make sure that we didn't get the same as what he already had! So home we went with our new gardening things.

The main problem that we had was the patch that we wanted to plant in was overrun with weeds, and the soil was hard as rock! I took to that, weeding and pulling everything I could see. Eventually my partner had to put the hose on the patch for half an hour to soften everything up!

After much watering, creating a path through the garden with old planks of wood, and digging some trenches, we were able to plant the first of the vegetables. Our garden officially has capsicum, yellow butter beans and sweetcorn growing. We are leaving the rest until Dom comes - he would be very gutted if we didn't leave him some! I also planted my chilli seeds for germination so hopefully they will start to show their ugly heads soon.

Boy Alex was definitely the star of the day - he did the majority of the garden, including digging and planting. I felt a bit useless only weeding, but now I know what to do I will give it a go next time!

If anyone has any tips then please let me know, and I will keep this updated with our trials and tribulations!